Thursday, August 16, 2012



I’m a sucker for news stories about innovative drug dealers.  This one is pretty good.

2,500 years of history lie beneath the streets of Rome.  Tunnels, ancient buildings, and modern infrastructure combine to create a subterranean maze.

Recently, it seems some drug dealers found an abandoned subway tunnel that Mussolini (an Italian dictator) had built in the 1930’s but was forgotten about after the project was scrapped.

The only problem is that the tunnel lies directly under the Bank of Italy.  The Bank of Italy is Italy’s central bank and is analogous to the Federal Reserve.(the bank holds all of the country’s money)  Accordingly, it is extremely well guarded.

The drug dealers were undeterred.  Last week police officers next to the bank smelled the scent of marijuana rising from a storm drain.  The followed their noses through the sewer and found 3.7 million dollars of marijuana growing directly beneath the Bank of Italy.

Bottom line: drugs are everywhere.

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